Achieving a perfectly aligned smile is more than just aesthetics; it is about function, health and boosting your self-confidence. Our experienced dentist and dedicated team are here to offer the latest advancements in orthodontic solutions, catering to both children and adults. These include:

Orthodontics involves the correction of misaligned teeth and jaws. Whether it is traditional braces, clear aligners or other modern treatments, orthodontics ensures your teeth are positioned for optimal function and appearance. During a consultation, we will carefully assess your teeth to see which orthodontic treatment is most suitable for your needs and goals.

Benefits of Orthodontics:

  • Better Function: Properly aligned teeth lead to better bite function, reducing the risk of wear and tear.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Straightened teeth contribute to a harmonious and attractive smile.
  • Oral Health Boost: Well-aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.
  • Improved Jaw Alignment: Orthodontic treatments can also address issues related to jaw alignment and bite discrepancies.
  • Increased Confidence: A straight smile often leads to improved self-esteem, allowing you to express yourself without hesitation.

Think orthodontics in Marina, California, is the next step for you? Call ImJin Dental today at 831-641-7711 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jin Cho to begin your journey to a captivating and functional smile.